La mentira del agua hexagonal / The hexagonal water lie
La mentira del agua hexagonal
The hexagonal water lie
The so-called 'hexagonal water', 'hexagonal sea water' or 'structured water', is a fraud that has existed since the second decade of the 21st century on the internet, involving several brands that manufacture and market this type of products, such as VedimCu谩ntica company, the company Agua Estructurada and the Instituto Masaru Emoto in Spain, these institutions, give the so-called 'hexagonal water', miraculous properties that ordinary water does not have. One of the arguments given by the people involved in the creation, marketing or preparation of this type of liquid, with almost magical properties, is that the shape of the snowflakes is hexagonal (Vivancos, 2016; Nolte, n.d.), but as they make their way, from the clouds until they arrive in the form of liquid water to the rivers, this hexagonal structure begins to lose and disappears almost in its entirety when it becomes liquid water, all this due to the impurities that the water obtained by the natural process mentioned above and even more by the cleaning work carried out in the processing and purification plants that make it possible to obtain the precious drinking water, process by which, ironically, certain impurities are eliminated and it is possible that this water already processed is suitable for human consumption. The truth is that there are several configurations in which snowflakes can appear, it is true that these are formed in the clouds, but apart from the hexagonal shape, they can also appear in the form of columns, needles, triangles and rosettes (Gaia Science, 2014). According to its supporters, among the properties of this magic liquid, is to cure the autistic spectrum, since companies such as VedimCu谩ntica, try to argue, without any study that supports or alluding to scientific studies of important universities, without naming no type of source, that autism is caused by unstructured water or ordinary drinking water (Revenga, 2014) and although, there are multiple factors that can cause autistic spectrum disorders, what is known is that they have to to see with rather genetic causes that act reciprocally with environmental factors and are not associated with the consumption of drinking water (Mandal, 2019). The companies involved, name some of the ingredients, with which the water recovers the 'hexagonal shape' attributed, as mentioned above, to allude to one of the many possible configurations that have the snowflakes to be in the clouds, are such strange things as the 'frequency bioinformation harmonic', which according to these companies, this is another way of calling brain frequencies delta, theta, alpha and beta (Wiki Pseudociencia, n.d.), these are actually electric pulses responsible for cognitive processes (Trendencias21, 2018; Jacob et al, 2018) and even, on the assumption that it would be possible to charge some material electrically with several specific frequencies, omitting things such as wave superposition or material resistance, other properties, it is known that pure water is not conducive to electricity (Scientific Experiments, n.d.) then, even when starting from the same premise without foundations that these companies try to use, this type of liquid would be something impossible to realize.
- Desmentimos las propiedades del agua hexagonal con los mismos argumentos de sus creadores
- We deny the properties of hexagonal water with the same arguments of its creators
The so-called 'hexagonal water', 'hexagonal sea water' or 'structured water', is a fraud that has existed since the second decade of the 21st century on the internet, involving several brands that manufacture and market this type of products, such as VedimCu谩ntica company, the company Agua Estructurada and the Instituto Masaru Emoto in Spain, these institutions, give the so-called 'hexagonal water', miraculous properties that ordinary water does not have. One of the arguments given by the people involved in the creation, marketing or preparation of this type of liquid, with almost magical properties, is that the shape of the snowflakes is hexagonal (Vivancos, 2016; Nolte, n.d.), but as they make their way, from the clouds until they arrive in the form of liquid water to the rivers, this hexagonal structure begins to lose and disappears almost in its entirety when it becomes liquid water, all this due to the impurities that the water obtained by the natural process mentioned above and even more by the cleaning work carried out in the processing and purification plants that make it possible to obtain the precious drinking water, process by which, ironically, certain impurities are eliminated and it is possible that this water already processed is suitable for human consumption. The truth is that there are several configurations in which snowflakes can appear, it is true that these are formed in the clouds, but apart from the hexagonal shape, they can also appear in the form of columns, needles, triangles and rosettes (Gaia Science, 2014). According to its supporters, among the properties of this magic liquid, is to cure the autistic spectrum, since companies such as VedimCu谩ntica, try to argue, without any study that supports or alluding to scientific studies of important universities, without naming no type of source, that autism is caused by unstructured water or ordinary drinking water (Revenga, 2014) and although, there are multiple factors that can cause autistic spectrum disorders, what is known is that they have to to see with rather genetic causes that act reciprocally with environmental factors and are not associated with the consumption of drinking water (Mandal, 2019). The companies involved, name some of the ingredients, with which the water recovers the 'hexagonal shape' attributed, as mentioned above, to allude to one of the many possible configurations that have the snowflakes to be in the clouds, are such strange things as the 'frequency bioinformation harmonic', which according to these companies, this is another way of calling brain frequencies delta, theta, alpha and beta (Wiki Pseudociencia, n.d.), these are actually electric pulses responsible for cognitive processes (Trendencias21, 2018; Jacob et al, 2018) and even, on the assumption that it would be possible to charge some material electrically with several specific frequencies, omitting things such as wave superposition or material resistance, other properties, it is known that pure water is not conducive to electricity (Scientific Experiments, n.d.) then, even when starting from the same premise without foundations that these companies try to use, this type of liquid would be something impossible to realize.
--St枚hrfall (talk) 11:31, 6 May 2010 (UTC) [Public domain]
Referencias / References:
Experimentos cient铆ficos. (s.f.). Conductividad del Agua. Recuperado
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Recuperado de
C. (s.f.). “¿Qu茅 es el agua hexagonal?”. En Agua
Estructurada. Recuperado de
J. (2014). Agua de mar hexagonal o c贸mo embaucar a costa del
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(2018). Las ondas cerebrales son determinantes en los procesos
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J. (2016). “Beneficios para nuestra salud del agua hexagonal”. En
Instituto Masaru Emoto. Recuperado de
Pseudociencia, (s.f.). Agua de mar hexagonal. Recuperado de
C贸mo citar este art铆culo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2019). "La mentira del agua hexagonal". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2019). "The hexagonal water lie". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from