El Principado de Sealand / The Principality of Sealand

El Principado de Sealand
The Principality of Sealand
  • Una naci贸n independiente cerca del Reino Unido
  • An independent nation near the United Kingdom 
En la 茅poca de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una de las torres para defender el Reino Unido fue construida en las aguas internacionales del Mar del Norte, esta torre, llamada Fort Roughs Tower, fue abandonada en la d茅cada de 1950, al estar en aguas internacionales no fue derribada al finalizar la guerra y por este motivo, a principios de los a帽os 60, el comandante del ej茅rcito brit谩nico Roy Bates, cre贸 una estaci贸n radio, llamada Radio Essex, en el antiguo fuerte Knock John (Eveleth, 2015). Tiempo despu茅s, en la d茅cada de 1960, Roy Bates, por problemas de jurisdicci贸n con el Reino Unido, cambia su estaci贸n a la Torre Roughs, ya que esta se encontraba m谩s all谩 de los l铆mites de tres millas n谩uticas, crea el Principado de Sealand en 1967 junto a su esposa, la Princesa Joan y a sus hijos Michael y Pen茅lope (Sealand, s.f.).
Al gobierno brit谩nico, no le gust贸 la existencia de Sealand al principio, enviaron una tripulaci贸n con explosivos para destruir los otros fuertes, la familia Bates observ贸 durante varios d铆as los escombros que dej贸 este acto, luego la tripulaci贸n lleg贸 a Sealand con amenazas y el Pr铆ncipe Roy Bates tuvo que escapar.
En el a帽o 1968, al ser el Pr铆ncipe Roy Bates ciudadano brit谩nico, se emiti贸 una citaci贸n bajo la ley de armas de fuego del Reino Unido, pero el juez lleg贸 a la conclusi贸n de que los tribunales brit谩nicos no tienen jurisdicci贸n sobre el Principado de Sealand.
Lamentablemente, el Pr铆ncipe Roy Bates fallece en el a帽o 2012 y el Pr铆ncipe Michael toma su lugar como gobernante de Sealand (Perpetuo Turista, 2016). Sealand, como varias naciones, dispone de un atleta oficial, un equipo de f煤tbol, un equipo de Pitch & Put y una tienda de recuerdos.

*Muchas gracias al Principado de Sealand por dar la autorizaci贸n para hacer posible este art铆culo.*

At the time of World War II, one of the towers to defend the United Kingdom was built in the international waters of the North Sea, this tower, called Fort Roughs Tower, was abandoned in the 1950s, being in international waters it was not demolished at the end of the war and for this reason, in the early 60's, the British army commander Roy Bates, created a radio station, called Radio Essex, in the old Fort Knock John (Eveleth, 2015). Some time later, in the 1960s, Roy Bates, due to problems of jurisdiction with the United Kingdom, changed his station to the Roughs Tower, since it was beyond the limits of three nautical miles, creating the Principality of Sealand in 1967 with his wife, Princess Joan and their children Michael and Penelope (Sealand, nd).
The British government did not like the existence of Sealand at first, they sent a crew with explosives to destroy the other forts, the Bates family observed for several days the debris left by this act, then the crew arrived in Sealand with threats and the Prince Roy Bates had to escape.
In 1968, when Prince Roy Bates was a British citizen, a subpoena was issued under the firearms law of the United Kingdom, but the judge concluded that British courts do not have jurisdiction over the Principality of Sealand.
Regretfully, Prince Roy Bates passes away in 2012 and Prince Michael takes his place as ruler of Sealand (Perpetual Tourist, 2016). Sealand, like several nations, has an official athlete, a football team, a Pitch & Put team and a souvenir shop.

*Thanks a lot to the Principality of Sealand for giving the authorization to make this article possible.*

Sealand from a helicopter.
Ryan Lackey [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]

Referencias / References:

Eveleth, R. (2015). “Sealand: la micronaci贸n en una torre en medio del oc茅ano”. En BBC. Recuperado de https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2015/05/150427_vert_fut_gobierno_micro_nacion_sealand_yv

Perpetuo Turista. (2016). La asombrosa historia del principado de Sealand. Recuperado de https://perpetuoturista.wordpress.com/2016/08/22/la-asombrosa-historia-del-principado-de-sealand/

Sealand. (s.f.). About The Principality Of Sealand. Recuperado de https://www.sealandgov.org/about/

C贸mo citar este art铆culo:

Nocetti, F.A. (2019). "El Principado de Sealand". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2019/04/el-principado-de-sealand-principality.html

How to cite this article:

Nocetti, F.A. (2019). "The Principality of Sealand". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2019/04/el-principado-de-sealand-principality.html


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