La historia de Auto-Tune / The history of Auto-Tune

La historia de Auto-Tune
The history of Auto-Tune
  • Auto-Tune es una conocida herramienta de audio utilizada para la correcci贸n de Pitch
  • Auto-Tune is a well-known audio tool used for Pitch correction
Auto-Tune es una conocida herramienta de audio, utilizada para la correcci贸n de Pitch, tanto en instrumentos monof贸nicos como en vocalistas. Andy Hidelbrand fue el responsable de la creaci贸n de esta herramienta, 茅l era ajeno al mundo de la m煤sica, ya que, aunque pose铆a un doctorado en ingenier铆a el茅ctrica desde 1976, su trabajo no era en el 谩rea musical como el que hacen otras personas del 谩rea de electricidad que trabajan, por ejemplo, en la creaci贸n de amplificadores, micr贸fonos o efectos de sonido, Hidelbrand trabajaba como ingeniero en la empresa petrolera Exxon, con c谩lculos de estimaci贸n lineal y procesamiento de se帽al, as铆 que su campo de acci贸n estaba m谩s cerca de la geof铆sica que del sonido. Aunque su trabajo en Exxon se desarrollaba principalmente en el mapeo en 2D y 3D de la superficie terrestre, se sent铆a atra铆do por el mundo de la m煤sica y uno de sus argumentos era que los instrumentos basados en sampling sonaban mal, as铆 fue como con el pasar del tiempo, cre贸 un software para mejorar el samplig, as铆 naci贸 Infinity y su compa帽铆a Antares Audio Technology.
M谩s adelante, con Antares Audio Technology ya fundada y por una broma de una asistente que le dijo que inventara algo para cantar afinada, nace Auto-Tune en 1996 y as铆 naci贸 la pol茅mica correcci贸n de Pitch, antes de Auto-Tune, los recursos para logar afinar voces, eran limitados, as铆 que con su nacimiento, Auto-Tune lleg贸 a cambiar la historia de la m煤sica, entre los m煤sicos que volvieron popular este proceso, se encuentran Cher con su tema 'Belive' y el cantante T-Pain o Kanye West en su 谩lbum '808s and Heartbreak'. En la actualidad existe variedad de software para correcci贸n de pitch, como el conocido Melodyne o el plugin gratuito Autotalent (FMCMstaff, 2015; Isaza, 2017).

 Georges Seguin (Okki) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

Auto-Tune is a well-known audio tool, used for Pitch correction, both in monophonic instruments and vocalists. Andy Hidelbrand was responsible for the creation of this tool, he was oblivious to the world of music, since, although he had a doctorate in electrical engineering since 1976, his work was not in the musical area as other people in the area do of electricity that work, for example, in the creation of amplifiers, microphones or sound effects, Hidelbrand worked as an engineer at the Exxon oil company, with calculations of linear estimation and signal processing, so his field of action was closer to Geophysics than sound. Although his work at Exxon was mainly developed in 2D and 3D mapping of the earth's surface, he was attracted to the world of music and one of his arguments was that sampling-based instruments sounded bad, that's how it happened of the time, he created a software to improve the samplig, thus Infinity and his company Antares Audio Technology were born.
Later, with Antares Audio Technology already founded and by a joke of an assistant who told him to invent something to sing tuned, Auto-Tune was born in 1996 and thus the controversial Pitch correction was born, before Auto-Tune, the resources to Logging voices were limited, so with his birth, Auto-Tune came to change the history of music, among the musicians who made this process popular, Cher is with his song 'Belive' and the singer T-Pain or Kanye West in his album '808s and Heartbreak'. There is currently a variety of software for pitch correction, such as the well-known Melodyne or the free Autotalent plugin (FMCMstaff, 2015; Isaza, 2017).

Referencias / References:

FMCMstaff. (2015). "AutoTune: historia de la correcci贸n de tono". En FutureMusic. Recuperado de

Isaza, M. (2017). "La historia de Auto-Tune: de la geof铆sica a la m煤sica cibern茅tica". En Hispasonic. Recuperado de

C贸mo citar este art铆culo:

Nocetti, F.A. (2017). "La historia de Auto-Tune". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de 

How to cite this article:

Nocetti, F.A. (2017). "The history of Auto-Tune". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from


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