El sonido como sensaci贸n de sabor / The sound like taste sensation
El sonido como sensaci贸n de sabor
The sound like taste sensation
- El sonido que producen los alimentos tambi茅n es importante para la percepci贸n del sabor
- The sound produced by food is also important for the perception of taste
Sum谩ndose al sentido del gusto y del olfato, el sonido que producen los alimentos tambi茅n es importante para la percepci贸n del sabor, esto se debe a que contribuye a la textura percibida del alimento, como por ejemplo se tiene el estudio sobre el tocino crujiente de la Universidad de Leeds (BBC News, 2007). A diferencia del gusto y el olfato, este parece ser una de las caracter铆sticas a las que menos se le presta atenci贸n a la hora de comer, para el estudio se le pidi贸 a 80 personas que no eran catadores profesionales que evaluaran la importancia de los sentidos al momento de probar diferentes alimentos o bebidas. Al manipular el sonido que producen los alimentos a trav茅s de auriculares, se pudo demostrar que se altera la percepci贸n de su frescura y sabor. (Gastronom铆a y C铆a, 2015; Spence, 2015).
Joy [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]
Adding to the
sense of taste and smell, the sound produced by food is also important
for the perception of taste, this is because it contributes to the
perceived texture of the food, as for example the study on the crispy
bacon of the University of Leeds (BBC News, 2007). Unlike taste and smell, this seems to be one of the characteristics that less attention is paid at mealtime, for the study 80 people who were not professional tasters were asked to evaluate the importance of the senses when trying different foods or drinks. By manipulating the sound that food produces through headphones, it was possible to demonstrate that the perception of its freshness and taste is altered (Gastronom铆a y C铆a, 2015; Spence, 2015).
Referencias / References:
BBC News. (2007). Scientists' 'perfect' bacon butty. Recuperado de http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/west_yorkshire/6538643.stm
Gastronom铆a y C铆a. (2015). El sonido es la sensaci贸n del sabor olvidada. Recuperado de https://gastronomiaycia.republica.com/2015/04/15/el-sonido-es-la-sensacion-del-sabor-olvidada/
Spence, C. (2015). "Eating with our ears: Assessing the importance of the sounds of consumption to our perception and enjoyment of multisensory flavour experiences". En Flavour, 4: doi:10.1186/2044-7248-4-3
Gastronom铆a y C铆a. (2015). El sonido es la sensaci贸n del sabor olvidada. Recuperado de https://gastronomiaycia.republica.com/2015/04/15/el-sonido-es-la-sensacion-del-sabor-olvidada/
Spence, C. (2015). "Eating with our ears: Assessing the importance of the sounds of consumption to our perception and enjoyment of multisensory flavour experiences". En Flavour, 4: doi:10.1186/2044-7248-4-3
C贸mo citar este art铆culo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "El sonido como sensaci贸n de sabor". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2015/04/el-sonido-como-sensacion-de-sabor.html
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "The sound like taste sensation". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2015/04/el-sonido-como-sensacion-de-sabor.html