Robots que improvisan Jazz / Robots who improvise Jazz

Robots que improvisan Jazz
Robots who improvise Jazz
  • Un v铆deo que muestra como estos robots son capaces de improvisar 
  • A video that shows how these robots are able to improvise
Anteriormente en el sitio ya hab铆amos hablado de m煤sicos robots, ahora les traemos a una propuesta tra铆da por Mason Bretan, un estudiante del Instituto de Tecnolog铆a de Georgia (Estados Unidos), en el v铆deo se muestra como estos robots (Feltman, 2015; Gerogia Tech, 2015) son capaces de improvisar siguiendo a Mason mientras toca varios instrumentos.

"What you say" - A robot and human musical performance

Previously on the site we had already talked about robot musicians, now we bring you a proposal of work by Mason Bretan, a student of the Institute of Technology of Georgia (United States), in the video shows how these robots (Feltman, 2015; Gerogia Tech, 2015) are able to improvise following a Mason While playing several instruments.

Referencias / References:

Feltman, R. (2015). "Watch a human musician and his robots improvise together". En The Washington Post. Recuperado de

Gerogia Tech. (2015). Robots, student team up to create Miles Davis-inspired funk. Recuperado de

C贸mo citar este art铆culo:

Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "Robots que improvisan Jazz". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de

How to cite this article:

Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "Robots who improvise Jazz". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from


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