Ultrasonido como tratamiento para pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular / Ultrasound as a treatment for patients with stroke
Ultrasonido como tratamiento para pacientes con accidente cerebro-vascular
Ultrasound as a treatment for patients with stroke
Ultrasound as a treatment for patients with stroke
- Dispositivo capaz de disolver co谩gulos producidos durante un derrame cerebral de forma muy r谩pida
- Device that is able to dissolve boxes produced during a stroke very quickly
El investigador William Culp, MD, (a la derecha) y Doug Wilson de UALR
(a la izquierda) han desarrollado un dispositivo para tratar los
accidentes cerebrovasculares (Fotograf铆a cortes铆a de la Oficina de
Comunicaciones de UAMS/UALR). / Researcher William Culp, MD, (right) and Doug Wilson, UALR (left) have developed a device to treat strokes (Photo courtesy of the UAMS / UALR Communications Office).
Researchers William Culp and Doug Wilson have developed a device capable of using ultrasound as a treatment for patients with stroke, this device that is installed on the head as a helmet is able to dissolve boxes produced during a stroke very quickly, came to develop this device to produce that the skull normalmeent blocks the ultrasound and this makes difficult the dissolution of the clots, the device has been called ClotBust ER (Medical Design & Outsourcing, 2014; MedImaging, 2014) and has 16 transducers distributed throughout its interior, which were designed so that they are in contact with the thinnest points of the skull.
Y.Golovnin [CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)]
Referencias / References:
Medical Design & Outsourcing. (2014). Device Could Signal Best Bet for Treatment of Stroke Patients. Recuperado de http://www.medicaldesignandoutsourcing.com/device-could-signal-best-bet-for-treatment-of-stroke-patients/
MedImaging. (2014). Ultrasonido para tratamiento de pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular. Recuperado de http://www.medimaging.es/ultrasonido/articles/294754919/ultrasonido_para_tratamiento_de_pacientes_con_accidente_cerebrovascular.html
C贸mo citar este art铆culo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2014). "Ultrasonido como tratamiento para pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2014/10/ultrasonido-como-tratamiento-para.html
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2014). "Ultrasound as a treatment for patients with stroke". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2014/10/ultrasonido-como-tratamiento-para.html