Tabiques livianos para acústica / Lightweight partitions for acoustics
Tabiques livianos para acústica
Lightweight partitions for acoustics
Lightweight partitions for acoustics
- Se utilizan en lugar del hormigón armado en lugares de altura
- They are used instead of reinforced concrete in high places
Construcción a comienzos del siglo XX del Pabellón Residencial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Córdoba (Argentina). [Public domain]
ACP projected cellulosic insulation (Diffusion Magazine, 2013), is used instead of reinforced concrete for high places, for example, in movie theaters (ARQA, 2009). These partitions, made with double panels, are not more than 500 mm thick and one of the first things that was done was to reduce the air chamber to the minimum constructable, thus achieving a partition with just 460 mm thick and a weight of its own. about 125 [kg / m²], this is equivalent to a quarter of the weight of traditional concrete. These partitions, in their air chamber, use a F90 sprayed cellulosic insulation or F120 mineral glass wool. Its acoustic attenuation Rw (Baldo, 2014) is between 69 and 73dB, while those of concrete and sand are approximately 51dB.
Referencias / References:
ARQA. (2009). Aislantes Celulósicos en el nuevo complejo Cines Hotys del Dot Baires Mall. Recuperado de
Baldo, P. (2014). "Tabiques livianos de alta prestación acústica, para frenar el ruido". En Clarín. Recuperado de
Diffusion Magazine. (2013). Aislantes celulósicos. Recuperado de
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How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2014). "Lightweight partitions for acoustics". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from