Aprende teoría musical gratis / Learn music theory for free
Aprende teoría musical gratis
Learn music theory for free
Learn music theory for free
- Software disponible para Linux y Windows que enseña entre otras identificación y construcción de armaduras
- Software available for Linux and Windows that teaches among other identification and construction of armor
Musycom (s,f,) es otro sitio, para aprender teoría musical online este, además de teoría música en si, también tiene cursos para diferentes instrumentos y estilos, hay contenido al que se puede ingresar de forma libre y para el resto el registro es de forma gratuita, la enseñanza es de forma interactiva tanto en el sitio web como a través de sus aplicaciones de Android e iOS.
Roberto 11:50, 18 June 2007 (UTC) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)]
First we will talk about LenMus (2013), a small software available for Linux and Windows that teaches among other identification and construction of armor, identification and construction of intervals, scales, chords, cadences, assimilation and practice of rhythmic elements, solfege and key learning, also brings exercises and a score editor and several exercises for ear education, on its download page you can find the source code, instructions for various distributions of Linux and the installer for Windows.
Musycom (n.d.) is another site, to learn this online music theory, in addition to music theory itself, also has courses for different instruments and styles, there is content that can be entered freely and for the rest the registration is free of charge, the Teaching is interactively both on the website and through their Android and iOS apps.
LenMus. (2013). Open softwae for music theory. Recuperado de http://lenmus.sourceforge.net
Musycom. (s.f.). Cursos de Música Gratis en Internet. Recuperado de http://www.musycom.com/
Cómo citar este artículo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2014). "Aprende teoría musical gratis". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2014/08/aprende-teoria-musical-gratis-con-links.html
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2014). "Learn music theory for free". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2014/08/aprende-teoria-musical-gratis-con-links.html